When your stomach doesn’t feel right, a relaxing abdominal massage or rub does the trick. Soothing skincare with antispasmodic fennel and gentle chamomile lets your midsection breathe a sigh of relief and ensures a relaxed abdomen.
Key Features
Ideal for soothing and balancing abdominal massages when you feel unwell. When stress hits the stomach with emotional stomach-ache or other digestive issues, a gentle massage can help get the intestinal motor system going.
Certification: | NaTrue Organic cosmetics |
content: | 75 ml |
Vegan: | yes |
Dermatologisch getestet: | yes |
Kurzbeschreibung: | Beruhigende Hautpflege mit krampflösendem Fenchel sowie sanfter Kamille lässt deine Körpermitte aufatmen und sorgt für einen entspannten Bauch. |
Produkttyp: | Oel |
Apply a teaspoon of oil (5ml) on the abdomen by massaging with gentle pressure in a clockwise direction